Finding Cosmetology Grants For Single Mothers

single mother Cosmetology grants

single mother Cosmetology grants

Single mothers like all parents should work as an obligation for their children. Whatever it takes, they need to be employed and can’t just rely on government food stamps and other government aid. However, lacking college education can be a hindrance for single mothers to find good-paying professions so some resort to mid-level or skill jobs that doesn’t require college credentials. On the other hand, you don’t actually have to earn a college degree in order that you can find a job that pays well. If you are a single mother and want to take a short course wherein you can use your training to earn money, why don’t you try taking a cosmetology short course.

Cosmetology is such an interesting field for women because basically women are already familiar with the use of beautifying products and other things that can make people looking neat and attractive. And essentially, the business in cosmetics will never ever wane because every one of us loves to be in the parlors most of the times to perk up our looks. This is why beauty schools are a lot these days. Most of the popular celebrity stylists and make-up artists started out from being simple cosmetologists/hairstylists but because they have the passion to learn they become very successful in their trade.

What Cosmetologists Do?

Cosmetologists can be hairstylists or master of beauty techniques. They can transform average looking individuals to attractive people through their art. According to the Princeton Review publication, “Cosmetologists are the fairy godmothers of style and change”. So specifically when you study cosmetology, you will learn the techniques like what people do in beauty parlors such as manicures, pedicures, hair cutting, coloring and styling.

You will also have a serious study on skin care which involves facials, wraps and extractions. Much as you learn the techniques and the science and art of beautifying a person, you will also learn the proper procedures for sanitation while you become a consultant for those who want the best for themselves. In school of cosmetology you will also be trained to have a better personality and develop further your character because you will most likely market yourself or endorse certain products so clients must see you as a good example of what you endorse.

The Earnings

If you are asking how much a cosmetologist can earn, based from the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 data, the average basic earning of a cosmetologist ranged from $22,000 to $25,000 a year depending on where the individual work, the economic status of the clients and the level of skills the cosmetologist possess. Tips are not yet included in these values.

So if we say a renowned stylist is working in a metropolitan area with rich clients, she may even earn twice or thrice as the stylist/cosmetologist earn from working  in the rural area mainly because of the huge tips. So significantly, the secret for the success of cosmetologists/stylists is to become exceptional in their art and use their skills to get hired by big-time beauty clinics. In many ways, single mothers can rightly fit in with the cosmetologist/stylist kind of work.

Nevertheless, it’s not cheap to study cosmetology as the fees can run up to few thousands of dollars and that’s the problem for single mothers. So the solution to this could only be finding cosmetology school grants.

Cosmetology School Grants

cosmetology school grants

cosmetology school grants

Like other types of school grants, cosmetology school grants are much like financial assistance to students that cannot afford to pay their tuitions on cosmetology schools. Sometimes called as scholarships, most of these grants are provided for free. The fund provider can directly pay the school for the student’s course fees and if some amounts are lacking, it is the student who must pay for the rest. In some cosmetology schools, a standard course in cosmetology can cost between $6,500 to $10,000 depending on the specialization and the duration of the course.

The main requirement in taking cosmetology course is your high school diploma so this short course really fits most single mothers who majority of them are high school graduates or college undergraduates. But why take the course if you can learn through your own experience? This is because once you earn your certificate from your school, you automatically becomes a certified cosmetologist because your school is also accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences.

If you think you can’t afford to pay for your cosmetology course but really wanted to earn the certificate, you can discuss with your school counselors to help you find your cosmetology grants. Usually, school counselors have lists of grants that would fit single mothers’ economic status. You must also know that cosmetology programs vary. Depending on your specialization of study, your stay in school can be anywhere from three months to two years but you are then an expert cosmetologist consultant when you take the two year course.

You can also try looking for scholarships or grants online and you just have to complete the forms and submit it online. That’s quite simple. Even for the federal financial aid that can be availed in the form of loans, these can be found online. However, if it is a loan, you know you have to pay this but if it is a grant, this will be given to you as a gift and no need for repayment. Remember that grants can be easy if you have good grades in high school or in college.

How to Find Cosmetology Grants?

First, find a cosmetology school to which your credentials fit and inquire about scholarship program for single mothers. Second, you can participate with your community’s corporate supported grant programs and ask people there for assistance. Third, you can apply for grant from The American Cosmetology Education (ACE) Grant which is under the American Association of Cosmetology.

Fourth, try the government programs like the FSEOG  (Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant), FSL (Federal Stafford Loan), the FPLUS (Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students), and the Federal Pell Grant. These federal state organizations provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who wish to finish their degrees or take other degrees or certificates from vocational or technical schools.

And lastly, check the scholarship programs below. These provide different types or amount of financial assistance:

Dream Shears/Trade Essentials Scholarship
Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts Makeup Scholarship
OPI Scholarships
Pat Goins Memorial Scholarship
AHBAI Scholarship – AHBAI
Minnesota’s Model College of Hair Design
Oregon Student Assistance Commission
Vernon’s Kansas School of Cosmetology
John Pelloni Memorial Scholarship
Maureen Baldwin Cosmetology Scholarship
Sally Beauty Supply Scholarships
Walla Wall Community College, Washington
Joe Francis Hair-Care Scholarship Foundation
Alice Madden Barton Cosmetology Scholarship Program
NCEA Esthetician Scholarship
“Education Rocks” Scholarship
Massage Magazine
G.I. Bill

Your Career Options

Once you earn your certificate and become an accredited cosmetologist cum stylist, you can choose the industry to which you want to work. At present, the best jobs would be in the fashion and film industry. You can also apply to large or exclusive beauty clinics or parlors and because you are now skilled, you will most likely be given the priority for employment. If you want to further your career you can also take advance courses in aroma therapy, massage therapy, film and theater make-up artist or any other industry that your skills and talent would be much needed.

So even if you are a single mother, you can take a good job as cosmetologist. And if you are exceptionally good with your skills, some beauty product businesses may also get your services and can serve as their consultant.


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