Effective Ways on How to Manage Emotions and Instability for Single Mothers

single mother emotional instability

Emotional Instability and Single Moms

Single mothers are faced with a lot of stresses. They are constantly introduced with increasing pressures of being a single parent. The immense responsibility of providing for her children alone is enough to compromise her emotions. However, there are still many factors contributing to the emotional instability of these mothers.

How does a single mother develop emotional instability?

Most single mothers live in a pattern. They wake up, go to work, come home, care for her kids, and sleep. Sometimes, they don’t sleep at all. This leaves them exhausted to the point that they neglect their own needs.

In addition, financial stress contributes in developing emotional problems. A single mom constantly worries about money. She frequently encounters the dilemma of paying her children’s tuition fees, rent, taxes, house bills, and buying basic needs of the family such as food and clothing.

Single mothers who experienced losses are also prone to developing emotional instability. The abandonment or death of a husband causes changes on her perception and behavior. These women experience interchanging feelings of loneliness, depression, anger, guilt, shame and other negativities. And if these are left unnoticed can lead to serious problems.

How to determine that you have emotional instability?

Signs and symptoms vary from one person to another. The following are the common manifestations.

Low self-esteem

  • Low self-esteem
  • Suspicious and distrustful
  • Feeling insane
  • Frequent worrying
  • Anxiety
  • Negative emotions such as depression, anger, and loneliness
  • Procrastination
  • Compulsive behavior
  • Regrettable outbursts
  • Violent behavior
  • Socially inappropriate behavior
  • Irritable and impatient
  • Fearfulness
  • Hostile thoughts
  • Feeling out of control
  • Mood swings

Single moms may also experience physical manifestations such as pain, weakness, shakiness, numbness, and itching. It’s usually a result of emotional distress.

What are the effective ways to manage emotions and instability?

Managing your emotions is a challenge especially with the constant stress and pressure that you experience. The following are simple ways to manage your emotions.

emotions and instability

Acknowledge your emotions

Emotions are normal in a human being. Being a single mother does not necessary require you to be emotionally strong all the time. Know what you are feeling and accept these emotions. Keeping your feelings bottled up inside you only adds to the stress that you are experiencing. And ignoring it will just cause more damage than good. Do not be afraid to admit that you feel sad, lonely, or angry. Having these instability for single mothers is not something to be ashamed of. And, they do not mean that you are, in any way, weak. You are allowed to feel these things like any other person.

Identify factors leading to these emotions 

After you have acknowledged your feelings, take a breather and contemplate over these feelings. What leads you to feel these emotions? Identifying the causes is essential in handling your emotions. This requires introspection which involves communicating with yourself. With this, you can develop an effective way to control and prevent the reoccurrence of these unstable emotions.

Take steps in dealing with these emotions

There are many ways in dealing with your emotions. You can do it yourself or with the help of others. One method is with the use of meditation. Take at least 30 minutes alone in a quiet room or area. You can use your own room or the garden as long as you feel at peace. Listen to music and do breathing exercises. Doing so helps in the improvement of your body’s circulation. It also relaxes your mind and your body. If you find it difficult to manage these feelings alone, ask for help from your friends and family. Talk to them about what you are feeling. Don’t be ashamed of letting them see your tears or frustration. Talking relieves you from your pent up emotions and eases the stress that you are feeling. Always remember that they are there to offer their support and help you with these challenges.

Stay healthy 

Having a healthy body affects how you handle stresses in your life. First, eat a balanced meal and avoid skipping them at all cost. Foods are your sources of energy. Without enough energy, you are unable to perform tasks effectively.  Also strengthen your body. Exercise in a regular basis. Spend at least 30 minutes a day exercising. Having a strong body allows you to handle the strains in your life. If you are too busy to do actual exercising, you can do daily activities that can somehow keep your body fit. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevators at work. If possible, use a bicycle instead of your car when going to the workplace.

These activities however are not substitutes for a proper exercise. In addition, having enough sleep is imperative. Most mothers omit sleep because they don’t have enough time for everything else. If you are tired, take a break and sleep. Don’t push yourself. Recognize your limits and work around it. Go out and have fun. Don’t stay cooped under the four corners of your house. Explore your surroundings and appreciate those around you. Once you get back to your home, you’d feel brand new.

Seek professional help if needed

If you find it difficult to handle these emotions on your own, it is beneficial to seek further help, whether it is from a professional or from support groups. The following are hotlines and websites in the United States that you can visit.

Financial Assistance Hotlines

  • Child-Support Enforcement Hotline – (877) 696-6775
  • Child-Care Subsidy Hotline – (800) 424-2246
  • Mortgage Payment Assistance – (800) 750-8956
  • Debt Relief Hotline – (800) 291-1042
  • Free Bankruptcy Advice (800) 379-0985
  • Or visit www.eap.partners.org for more information

Support Groups for Single Mothers

  • For more information on available support centers throughout the US, visit www.singlemothers.org

National Support Helpline

  • Contact them at 1-855- 4A PARENT (1-855-427-2736)
  • Or visit www.nationalparenthelpline.org for more details.


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