How To Raise A Disciplined Child Despite Being A Single Mother?

Raising A Disciplined Child .

Raising A Disciplined Child .

Whenever we hear a woman saying she is a single mother and have a child, we can’t keep ourselves from thinking she is probably having a hard time in her life. This is true because we all know that raising a family is hard so it is doubly hard for a single mother to shoulder all the responsibilities which she is supposed to be sharing with her child’s father. That said, raising a kid or kids is really a stressful situation where a single mom has no other course but to endure.

On the other hand, there are always ways wherein a single mom doesn’t need to experience hardships raising a child alone. Basically, all she must do is to find the support she needs to nurture her child. She must know that there are government institutions that provide assistance to single mothers like housing and food assistance. There are also grants for single mothers that can help them put up their own livelihood or take scholarships and finish their education.

According to experts, single mothers must only “stay positive” with their outlooks in life in order to surpass the challenges. They must not pity themselves and should not think that they are hopelessly burdened. They must remove from their conviction that they can’t find good jobs that can support themselves and their children and give them the proper education. They must also understand that their kids also experience psychological stress if ever they see their moms looking weighed down.

Dealing With The Kids

Nevertheless, sometimes it is the children who usually add to the pressing problems the single mothers are experiencing. It is also the kids that usually bother the mothers primarily because of their never ending questions that are hard to answer. And unfortunately, when kids would want the attention and their mothers don’t recognize this, the kids can develop emotional issues and may shut themselves up away from the real world. However, there are ways how single mothers can avoid this and make their kids better persons.

If you are a single mother and wanted to your child to grow as a mature, smart, sensitive and compassionate person, here are the essential things you must bear in mind.

  • Don’t forget to express your love everyday to your child. While your child is still very young, kiss him more. Hug him when he needs comfort and talk to him when he wants to tell you something. You also need to praise him for the good things he do. Always provide him your support and unconditional love. When he grows up, have an open communication with him so he can see you as his greatest friend and a parent he can always rely on.
  • Develop a structured discipline at home. Kids are easy to manage if they know that following discipline is crucial in your home. You can start by scheduling your meals and sleeping time and so on. Your goal is to imbibe in your kid’s mind that there are always things to expect at home to make things go smoother. So ensure that house rules must always be followed.
  • Show your kid that you always prioritize your bonding together. Always have a time with your kid and play together. You can also read, watch TV, eat or go out together to let him feel the bond between you and him.
  • If your child did something wrong and disciplined him, don’t feel guilty afterwards. It is you who want your child to grow as a disciplined person. So if he has committed wrongdoings, tell him that he was wrong. That he did hurt your feelings and might also hurt other people feelings if he won’t correct his attitude.
  • If you have problems and your child knows it, show him you can deal with it positively. Remember that the moods of the mothers can easily be felt by their kids and they can also be affected by it. Just try to be honest with your kids if they ask you the matter but make sure that everything will get better.
  • Always create an open communication with your kid. Being a mother, you know your kid has also emotional issues by just looking at him. Communication is the key to resolve your child’s issues. Learn the problem, understand it and provide the solution right on the spot.
  • Teach your kid a bit of independence every day. Make yourself a good example to your kid that even you are alone you can deal with anything that comes your way. If you can do this, your child’s self-confidence can become stronger until he will learn to do things with a positive attitude. You can start by giving him tasks at home and praise him afterwards.
  • Teach him to respect people. Showing of respect to others begins at home. There is what we call in every person the “show of breeding” which means that a person who grew in a decent family notwithstanding with a single parent, can show his reputable qualities if his parent has taught him well.

Raising a child alone is literally a difficult task. It is not only the lack of finances that make the single mothers feel depressed but also the fear of not bringing their children properly. However, these tips can help you raise your child correctly. Some say that individuals who grow up with their single mothers are more mature and open-minded than most people. This may be true because at young age, they have felt their mothers’ love even better while learning to understand the facts of life the hard way.

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